b'The Tradition of MidrashThe Torah tells the story of the Israelites enslavement and redemption. The haggadah was compiled by rabbis in the second century of the Common Era to help us follow the com-mand to remember and teach our children. Traditionally, the name and story of Moses was not part of the haggadah, so we would focus on the miracles and the Divine source of our freedom.It is human nature to read a story and say, But what if? and What were their names?and How did they feel about what happened? We recognize missing elements and came up with our own stories to add to our understanding of the text.This is called making midrash, and it is an ancient and ongoing practice. The women who made the midrash you see here felt different aspects of the stories calling to them, as they filled in the female voices usually absent from Torah. Everything in this haggadah that is In the voice ofis a result of our questions being answered. We imagined conversations, thoughts, and feelings of the women in the story, and even some who arent, but might have been.Jewish tradition embraces storytelling about our stories. We offer you our midrash, and ask, What questions did we leave unanswered for you? What new midrash will you make? Rabbi Ellen K. TriebwasserAcknowledgmentsThis Haggadah was created in a workshop presented by The Lev Shalem Instituteof The Woodstock Jewish Congregation with participation and contributions by:Blaze ArdmanSusan W. Rosen Julia BoylanMiryam Sarsheen Betty FeldmanRobin Smith zl Alice HawkinsAmy Summers Amy MessingPauline Tamari Desiree OClairEugenie Tartell Susan PasternackRabbi Ellen TriebwasserCarol Fox PrescottWITH GRATITUDE TO:Lydia AfiaJoon Hyun HwangGabrielle Maisels Rabbi Aura AhuviaKate HollandRabbi Pauline TamariYvonne BrechbuhlerWendy van den HeuvalKaren TashmanRabbi Sue Levi ElwellDonna KlimekRabbi Ellen K. TriebwasserCarole FormanAnna LangfordWendy and Jim WorrellRabbi Shefa GoldKaren LevineAll Go Fund Me DonorsDee GrazianoThe LSI Team Special thanks to Rabbi Jonathan Kligler of the Woodstock Jewish Congregationfor his guidance and blessings. 2'