b'Our Own Enduring Dream LIFT THE CUP OF WINE AND SAY:ALL TOGETHER:Our history tells us that in every generation, some arise to destroy us, yet here we are, Jews alive throughout the world, sustained by the Holy Blessed One. The bounds are broken and we are saved. PLACE THE CUP ON THE TABLE.A Passover Memory:SilenceThe voice of my mother said, You do not need to ask.The voice of my sister said, It does not matter.But my grandmother, in her silence, drowned them both out.Hers was the silence of memories that lifted her hand to her cheek.She sat by the window, gazing out on those long ago days of her own flight from Egypt.The sea parted before the prow of the shipand on the other side, with more perilous cracks and ravines than the Sinai Desert, lay the Lower East Side of Manhattan. My grandmothers silence asked questions, but only I heard her voice.The Four ChildrenREADER:My bubbe told me that the whole purpose of the Passover seder is to teach the children about the history of our people; where we come from, who we are, and that when we grow up, she hoped that we would tell the story to our children. There are even four sons mentioned in the Haggadah, she went on, to remind us that not all children are alike, and that we are asked to direct the story to each one of them, so that each one can understand andteach their own children. But there is a challenge she said, because, first of all, all children are not boys, so we direct our teachings to all children. Then she reminded us that all children were not as wise and learned about Judaism as we were. There are children who are what theHaggadah calls wicked, but maybe they just feel unloved, or lonely, or sad. There are those who feel separate and are afraid to try to connect because maybe they wont belong. And then, of course there are the ones who dont even know how to ask a question, the very young ones or those with learning difficulties.READER:My bubbe says that we must make sure that each one of these children knows and feels their value so that they may learn. She thinks the Rabbis who wrote the Haggadah were trying to find a way to remind us, Look to your children, listen to them. Dont forget to take care of the ones who are different, frightened, reluctant, as well as the ones for whom life seems easy. Take care of them all.20'