b'The daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe in the Nile, while her maidens walked along the rivers edge. She spied the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to fetch it. When she opened it, she saw that there was a baby inside, a boy crying! She took pity on him and said, This must be a Hebrew child. Exodus 2:5-6The babys sister stationed herself at a distance, in order to see what would happen to him.Exodus 2:4In The Voice Of Batyah,The Egyptian PrincessREADER:Hardly a cycle of the moon had passed since we interred my third child, stillborn but perfect, along with his father in a tomb built by Hebrew slaves to house our regal dead. We thought of the Hebrews as vermin, filling our land with generation after generation offilthy, swarming creatures who threatened to overwhelm us.READER:I had come to the river to wash away the memories of my dead, when I saw a basket floating among the reeds. We are told that our dead live in a parallel world, a field of reeds, a perfect reflection of our lives on earth. For a moment I thought I too had been transported to this world to be with my son and his father. Bliss surged through my body, touching every pore. Then I heard an infant cry, filling the river and its shores as it penetrated the core of my being. Without a thought in my head, I bid my handmaiden to lift its floating cradle out of the water and place it in my arms.READER:Here was a strong, vibrant, healthy infant, not much more than three months old, who saw me as clearly as I saw him. Not vermin, not parasite, but a human infant, a boy, someones son. As we gazed at one another I knew that I would take him into my life. A voice, my own but unrecognizable to me, called out the words that would be recorded throughout all history, This must be a Hebrew child. And before these words could land, a young girl, her eyes so frightened, her hands so worn and rough, came out of her hiding place among the reeds. She bowed, and in a clear and purposeful voice, offered Shall I go and find a Hebrew nurse to suckle the child for you?Then the babys sister said to Pharaohs daughter, Shall I go and get a Hebrew nurse to suckle the child for you? Pharaohs daughter answered, Yes, go! So the girl went and called the babys mother. Exodus 2:7-819'